Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Slic3r, the new application for skeining models

Until now I have used SkeinForge for all my slicing and g-code generation needs. Most people complain that is is rather slow, but if you use pypy it is rather snappy(more on how to get a 2 - 5 times speed boost with pypy in a later blog post). Quality has been good but the configuration is a bit more repetitive that I would like. 

Now there is a new kid on the block. It is named Slic3r and it claims to be 10 times faster than SkeinForge. It is lacking some frequently used features like, hexagonal infill and support material, but it promises to be better in other aspects. 

For testing I processed the squirrel model with Slic3r and printed it. 

First impressions:
  1. Get the first layer height right. 0.02mm can ruin the print.
  2. The speed is nothing too fenomenal. SkeinForge with pypy is somewhat slower but not by an order of magnitude.
  3. Get your e-steps and filament diameter right.
  4. Now that your printer has heated up, go to step 1, do not press print.
The final setting where: nozzle 0.35, layer height 0.15 and 40mm/s perimeter speed.
The print result looks fenomenal. I can see and feel the surface roughness from the model. Layers are also almost invisible to the naked eye. Now I just need to try to print 0.15mm resolution with SkeinForge.